Nicos Weg Review film



First thing first, i really want to appreciate the film is so simple and easy to understand. From the expression, gestures, and the tone of they're voice makes us understand the situation. I watched this film on youtube and i was so shocked, there's no English or even Indonesian subtitles i was kinda hopeless because i don't really understand German very well. But the fact is everything that  i learned from basic German all of the materials is in the movie, and it's more easier because of their expression and gesture makes the word/phrase was more understandable. 

The acting was so natural, that i can implement all the situation in the real world.What i have learned from the movie is if we want to become a successful at learning Deutsch really fast is to go to Deutschland and lose your bag, and people will start to help you with their kindness, but the point is kindness is an act that is really thoughtful and will make other people happy and always believe that the kindness will run for you.

My favorite phrase from the movie is "Eine Abschiedsparty" in English it is a farewell party, the reason is i like that part in the movie the way Nico socialize with one another, it seems like he get along so well with the people that attended the farewell party for Nawin who will go to france. And how people encourage them when he was sad that nobody commented on Sebastian post or know his aunt (Yara). And the food is looking really delicious that i just want to grab it from my screen.

In this film i met a lot of strange words that i haven't known yet, like the name of the fruits (Ananas, Apfel, Orange, etc) and i learned several question in Deutsch like Hast du morgen Zeit?, Wann spielen wir?, and Zu spät? I also learned about occupation like Lehrer and Polizei, a bunch of flavour of pizza and many more.

The character in this movie all of them is really kind and very welcoming to a foreigner. Like sharing their apartment, offering them some help, and even invited them to a party! Maybe it is the culture in German which is really different compared to Indonesian culture. But that's doesn't matter, because this movie is really great at introducing the Deutsch culture really well, And it was very good because i got a lot of knowledge about Deutsch.

My favorite character in this movie is, Lisa. Because she was so kind and she is the first person that helped Nico in the first place. She also helped Nico from the beginning to end without feeling tired or protest. She helped him searching his bag even bringing out her father (which is a police officer) asking him to help Nico find his bag and find any information about Nico's aunt (Yara). In this part Nico was really lucky, because he is surrounded by a nice and very welcoming people. 

From what i see in the movie it seems that they filmed it in the fall season, because they wearing a thick coat or sweaters. But, there's no snow so i bet it is in the fall season. To be honest i really want to go to Deutschland and feel the fall season, i always love the fall because it look like it is a very calming season, see the brown leaf that start to falling out from the tree and made a pile of leaves on the ground. I love the color brown it just satisfied my eyes and i think brown is the prettiest color i have ever seen.

Back to the review, this movie has A1 German which have a beginners materials so it is the most basic in learning Deutsch. I think it is a good idea for not having a English or Indonesian subtitles, because from that we can force ourselves to understand and it is an affective way to learn Deutsch. I like the movie because of the emotions and seriousness in the movie well the story line is kinda odd, but really entertaining and creative. So is this movie is highly recommended? The answer is yes, it is highly recommended and a really affective movie to learn more verbs, words, or even phrase in Deutsch. Watching movie while learning at the same time it is really playful and fun, the right definition for learning by doing. 



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